Tuesday 13 December

"Tuesday 13 December"

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19:00 - 20:00

Virtual Reality in Foot and Ankle Surgery

Moderators: Alessio BERNASCONI (Foot and Ankle - Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Moderator, Napoli, Italy), Joris ROBBERECHT (Consultant) (Moderator, Turnhout, Belgium)
19:00 - 19:10 Virtual Reality: what is it? François LINTZ (Chirurgien orthopédiste) (Speaker, Toulouse, France)
19:10 - 19:20 Virtual Reality and Pubmed: what's been said so far. Mikko MIETTINEN (consultant orthopaedic surgeon) (Speaker, Helsinki, Finland)
19:20 - 19:30 How to produce a surgical tutorial: my experience. Kristian BUEDTS (Md) (Speaker, Brussels, Belgium)
19:30 - 19:40 Revinax: examples. Maxime ROS (NEUROCHIRURGIEN) (Speaker, PARIS, France)
19:30 - 19:40 Osgenic: examples. Arne SCHLENZKA
19:50 - 20:00 Discussion and final remarks. François LINTZ (Chirurgien orthopédiste) (Speaker, Toulouse, France), Mikko MIETTINEN (consultant orthopaedic surgeon) (Speaker, Helsinki, Finland), Maxime ROS (NEUROCHIRURGIEN) (Speaker, PARIS, France), Arne SCHLENZKA
Room 1