Friday 24 January

"Friday 24 January"

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08:00 - 09:00

Meniscal Extrusion

Moderators: Michael HIRSCHMANN (Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology) (Bâle, Switzerland), Hideyuki KOGA (Speaker) (Tokyo, Japan)
08:00 - 08:08 Does Ultrasound add something to MRI in meniscus extrusion? Theresa DIERMEYER (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
08:08 - 08:16 Meniscal Extrusion Collaborative Survey within the Meniscus International Network (MenIN) Study Group. Filippo FAMILIARI (Keynote Speaker, Italy)
08:16 - 08:24 Shall we treat meniscus extrusion in menisci without tears? Jin Goo KIM (Keynote Speaker, Republic of Korea)
08:24 - 08:32 Is it worth to treat meniscus extrusion in addition to root repairs? Robert LAPRADE (Complex Knee Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Edina, USA)
08:32 - 08:40 Clinical results of centralization sutures on the medial and lateral meniscus. Hideyuki KOGA (Speaker) (Keynote Speaker, Tokyo, Japan)
08:40 - 08:48 Does progressive meniscal extrusion after HTO correlates with clinical deterioration? Sang Hak LEE (Associate professor) (Keynote Speaker, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
08:48 - 09:00 Discussion.

"Friday 24 January"

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09:00 - 10:00

Meniscal Ramp Lesions

Moderators: Christian STÄRKE, Cécile TOANEN (Chirurgien) (Bordeaux, France)
09:00 - 09:08 Imaging of ramp lesions. Anna HIRSCHMANN (Radiologist) (Keynote Speaker, Basel, Switzerland)
09:08 - 09:16 Ramp lesions - a biomechanical overview. Adrian DEICHSEL (Resident) (Keynote Speaker, Münster, Germany)
09:16 - 09:24 I repair ramp lesions using suture hooks through ONE posteromedial portal. Bertrand SONNERY-COTTET (MD, PhD) (Keynote Speaker, Lyon, France)
09:24 - 09:32 I repair ramp lesions using suture hooks through TWO posteromedial portals. Romain SEIL (PAST Président ESSKA) (Keynote Speaker, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
09:32 - 09:40 I repair ramp lesions using all-inside devices. Jacques MENETREY (Médecin chef) (Keynote Speaker, Genève, Switzerland)
09:40 - 09:48 I do not repair ramp lesions. Sebastian KOPF (Attending) (Keynote Speaker, Brandenburg, Germany)
09:48 - 10:00 Discussion.
10:00 Coffee Break

"Friday 24 January"

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10:30 - 11:30

Meniscal and Ligamentous Injuries

Moderators: Ryosuke KURODA ( (Kobe, JAPAN, Japan), René VERDONK (prof em) (GENT, Belgium)
10:30 - 10:38 A high grade Lachman test in ACL deficient patients predicts a ramp lesion. Filippo FAMILIARI (Keynote Speaker, Italy)
10:38 - 10:46 Failure rate of isolated meniscal repair and meniscal repair in the setting of ACL reconstruction. Brian DEVITT (Professor of Orthopaedics and Surgical Biomechanics) (Keynote Speaker, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland)
10:46 - 10:54 AI in meniscal and ACL injuries. Nicolas PUJOL (Chef de Service) (Keynote Speaker, Versailles, France)
10:54 - 11:02 Injuries of the lateral meniscus increase the Pivot shift phenomenon in ACL deficient knees. Ryosuke KURODA ( (Keynote Speaker, Kobe, JAPAN, Japan)
11:02 - 11:10 10 years outcome of patients after ACL reconstruction and meniscus treatment. Michael HANTES (University of Thessaly) (Keynote Speaker, Larissa, Greece)
11:10 - 11:18 Meniscus injuries in multiligamentous injured knees. Ciara STEVENSON (Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Belfast, United Kingdom)
11:18 - 11:30 Discussion.

"Friday 24 January"

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11:30 - 12:00

Industry Session / Workshops

12:00 Lunch Break

"Friday 24 January"

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13:00 - 13:30

Industry Session / Workshop


"Friday 24 January"

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13:30 - 14:50

Meniscus Replacement

Moderators: Sven SCHEFFLER, Peter VERDONK (Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Antwerp, Belgium)
13:30 - 13:38 Meniscus allograft transplantation for biologic knee preservation: gold standard or dilemma? Volker MUSAHL (Professor) (Keynote Speaker, Pittsburgh, USA)
13:38 - 13:46 Prospective clinical evaluation of sterilized meniscus allografts over 2 years. Wolf PETERSEN (Director) (Keynote Speaker, Berlin, Germany)
13:46 - 13:54 Are hamstring suitable as meniscus replacements? Karl ERIKSSON (Asst Professor) (Keynote Speaker, Stockholm, Sweden)
13:54 - 14:02 Clinical outcome of meniscal transplantation, ACL reconstruction and valgus HTO OR 10y outcome after meniscus Tx. Alberto GRASSI (Keynote Speaker, Bologna, Italy)
14:02 - 14:10 Bony vs. soft tissue fixation of meniscal allografts. Tim SPALDING (Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, London, United Kingdom)
14:10 - 14:18 Actifit - CMI: remnants of the last two decades or still worthwhile to implant? Peter VERDONK (Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Antwerp, Belgium)
14:18 - 14:26 The Artimis® meniscus implant. Tony Georges VAN TIENEN (Orthopedics surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
14:26 - 14:34 Rehabilitation after meniscus replacement - ESSKA rehabilitation consensus. Nicki VAN MELICK (Keynote Speaker, The Netherlands)
14:34 - 14:50 Discussion.

"Friday 24 January"

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14:50 - 15:50

Bioengineering of Meniscus
The new horizon of meniscus surgery?

Moderators: Georg DUDA (Germany), Brian FORSYTHE (USA)
14:50 - 15:05 Multi-Scale Considerations for Meniscus Replacement. Jay PATEL (Keynote Speaker, USA)
15:05 - 15:13 The Bumpy Road to an Artificial Meniscus: Challenges and Innovations in Biomedical Engineering. Stefan NEHRER (Dean of Faculty Health and Medicine) (Keynote Speaker, Krems, Austria)
15:13 - 15:38 NASA: printing a meniscus in outer earth.
15:38 - 15:50 Discussion.
15:50 Coffee Break

"Friday 24 January"

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16:20 - 17:45

Meniscus and Cartilage - A Life Long Relationship

Moderators: Peter ANGELE (Germany), Volker MUSAHL (Professor) (Pittsburgh, USA)
16:20 - 16:28 Meniscus, cartilage, subchondral bone - Three different tissues - Where is the connection? Henning MADRY (Director) (Keynote Speaker, HOMBURG/SAAR, Germany)
16:28 - 16:36 The influence of cartilage defects onto outcome of meniscus surgery. Sven SCHEFFLER
16:36 - 16:44 Results of AMIC. Rainer SIEBOLD (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
16:44 - 16:52 ACI. Philipp NIEMEYER (Consultant Surgeon | Knee Surgery) (Keynote Speaker, Munich, Germany)
16:52 - 16:58 Minced cartilage. Peter VERDONK (Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Antwerp, Belgium)
16:58 - 17:08 Massive allografts. Pablo GELBER (Consultant) (Keynote Speaker, Barcelona, Spain)
17:08 - 17:16 What can we do if ACI and allografts are not available or funded - maioregen,Geistlich membrane, ...? Elizaveta KON (Associated Professor of Orthopedic surgery) (Keynote Speaker, Milan, Italy)
17:16 - 17:24 Episurf. Peter VERDONK (Orthopaedic Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Antwerp, Belgium)
17:24 - 17:45 Discussion.

"Friday 24 January"

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17:45 - 18:45

Meniscal Lesions and Osteotomies

Moderators: Alberto GRASSI (Bologna, Italy), Wolf PETERSEN (Director) (Berlin, Germany)
17:45 - 17:53 The effect on deviations of the leg axes onto knee load. Florian IMHOFF (Keynote Speaker, Switzerland)
17:53 - 18:01 The effect of HTO on the bony biology. Michael HIRSCHMANN (Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology) (Keynote Speaker, Bâle, Switzerland)
18:01 - 18:09 PSI HTO - are they really necessary for a better outcome? Matthieu OLLIVIER (puph) (Keynote Speaker, Marseille, France)
18:09 - 18:17 HTO and simultaneous root repair - one surgery unnecessary? Christian STÄRKE
18:17 - 18:25 Does previous partial meniscectomy influence clinical outcome of HTO? Sang Hak LEE (Associate professor) (Keynote Speaker, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
18:25 - 18:33 Tibial and meniscus slope - same? And how about the medial and lateral slopes? David DEJOUR (chirurgien) (Keynote Speaker, Lyon, France)
18:33 - 18:45 Discussion.