Thursday 23 January

"Thursday 23 January"

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08:00 - 08:40

Welcome and Introduction

Moderator: Sebastian KOPF (Attending) (Brandenburg, Germany)
08:00 - 08:10 Welcome and Introduction. Philippe BEAUFILS (Retired) (Keynote Speaker, Versailles, France), René VERDONK (prof em) (Keynote Speaker, GENT, Belgium)
08:10 - 08:40 Medical care of Olympic Games in Paris and Milano. Bernd WOLFAHRT (Keynote Speaker, Germany)

"Thursday 23 January"

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09:00 - 10:05

Meniscal Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Epidemiology

Moderators: Christoph KITTL (knee surgeon) (muenster, Germany), Andreas SEITZ (Group Leader Joint Biomechanics) (Ulm, Germany)
09:00 - 09:08 Classifications of meniscus pathologies. Cécile TOANEN (Chirurgien) (Keynote Speaker, Bordeaux, France)
09:08 - 09:16 Imaging of the meniscus. Anna HIRSCHMANN (Radiologist) (Keynote Speaker, Basel, Switzerland)
09:16 - 09:24 Age-related changes of microvascularity of menisci. Elmar HERBST (Faculty) (Keynote Speaker, Muenster, Germany)
09:24 - 09:32 Gender-related differences of menisci. Jennifer ROBINSON (Keynote Speaker, USA)
09:32 - 09:40 Stability of the lateral meniscus. Robert SMIGIELSKI (Chief of the department) (Keynote Speaker, Warszawa, Poland)
09:40 - 09:48 Meniscus injuries in professional skier and soccer player.
09:48 - 09:54 Epidemiology of repairable meniscus tears? Martin LIND (Keynote Speaker, Denmark)
09:54 - 10:05 Discussion.
10:05 Coffee Break

"Thursday 23 January"

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10:30 - 12:00

Suture Techniques
Which one is the best and which tears can be left alone?

Moderators: Alberto GRASSI (Bologna, Italy), Elmar HERBST (Faculty) (Muenster, Germany)
10:30 - 10:38 Rate of reinjury with undisplaced, undersurface medial meniscal tears left untreated. Brian DEVITT (Professor of Orthopaedics and Surgical Biomechanics) (Keynote Speaker, Dublin, Ireland, Ireland)
10:38 - 10:46 Biology of meniscus healing (with special topic of the influence of Simvastatin). Ryosuke KURODA ( (Keynote Speaker, Kobe, JAPAN, Japan)
10:46 - 10:54 The development of meniscus repair techniques based on the Norwegian registry. Eivind INDERHAUG (Keynote Speaker, Norway)
10:54 - 11:02 All-inside vs. inside-out mensical repair in elite athletes.
11:02 - 11:10 Failure rate of repaired medial meniscus bucket handle tears. Bertrand SONNERY-COTTET (MD, PhD) (Keynote Speaker, Lyon, France)
11:10 - 11:18 Which preoperative MRI criteria suggest to repair a bucket handle tear? Patricia THOREUX (PUPH) (Keynote Speaker, Paris, France)
11:18 - 11:26 How to image an unhappy patient after meniscus repair? Torsten DIEKHOFF (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
11:26 - 11:34 Augmentation of repaired horizontal cleavage meniscal lesions. Maxiliano IBANEZ (Keynote Speaker, Spain)
11:34 - 11:42 Rehabilitation after meniscus repair - ESSKA consensus. Eric SENORSKI (Keynote Speaker, Norway)
11:42 - 12:00 Discussion.

"Thursday 23 January"

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12:00 - 12:30

Industry Session / Workshop

12:30 Lunch Break - Exhibition area

"Thursday 23 January"

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13:30 - 14:00

Industry Session / Workshop


"Thursday 23 January"

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14:00 - 15:00

Meniscus and Orthobiologics - any role today?

Moderators: Lior LAVER (Israel), Christian STÄRKE
14:00 - 14:12 ALL about PrP - an overview. Nicolas PUJOL (Chef de Service) (Keynote Speaker, Versailles, France)
14:12 - 14:20 Functionalized 3D-printing and Bioglue Technology to Enhance Meniscus Repair.
14:20 - 14:28 Effect BMAC onto meniscus healing. Brian FORSYTHE (Keynote Speaker, USA)
14:28 - 14:36 Stem cells and extracellular vesicles. Elizaveta KON (Associated Professor of Orthopedic surgery) (Keynote Speaker, Milan, Italy)
14:36 - 14:48 ESSKA consensus about cell based therapy. Lior LAVER (Keynote Speaker, Israel)
14:48 - 15:00 Discussion.

"Thursday 23 January"

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15:00 - 16:00

ESSKA Session

Keynote Speaker: Roland BECKER (Medical Director) (Keynote Speaker, Brandenburg/Havel, Germany)
16:00 Coffee Break

"Thursday 23 January"

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16:30 - 17:30

Return to Sports with Meniscal Issues

Moderator: Eric SENORSKI (Norway)
16:30 - 16:38 Return to sports after meniscal repair in athletes. Jacques MENETREY (Médecin chef) (Keynote Speaker, Genève, Switzerland)
16:38 - 16:46 Knee Kinematics after meniscus injuries - Bimoves. Georg DUDA (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
16:46 - 16:54 RTS program/BIA in Innsbruck in comparison with other programs.
16:54 - 17:02 Are digital tools already able to replace the classical rehabilitation? Robert PRILL
17:02 - 17:10 RTS based on the ESSKA consensus. Nicki VAN MELICK (Keynote Speaker, The Netherlands)
17:10 - 17:18 Food and supplements to improve RTS after meniscus injury - from Bayern Munich to Liverpool. Clemens GWINNER (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
17:18 - 17:30 Discussion.

"Thursday 23 January"

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17:30 - 18:30

Meniscal Root Lesions

Moderators: Wolf PETERSEN (Director) (Berlin, Germany), Christian STÄRKE
17:30 - 17:38 Partial weight bearing & ROM significantly reduce the loads at medial meniscus posterior root repair. Andreas SEITZ (Group Leader Joint Biomechanics) (Keynote Speaker, Ulm, Germany)
17:38 - 17:46 Current txt algorithm of medial root tears in stable knees? Sang Hak LEE (Associate professor) (Keynote Speaker, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
17:46 - 17:54 The clinical outcome and risk factors of posteromedial root repair. Robert LAPRADE (Complex Knee Surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, Edina, USA)
17:54 - 18:02 Root tears and HTOs. Matthieu OLLIVIER (puph) (Keynote Speaker, Marseille, France)
18:02 - 18:10 Do we have to fix lateral meniscus root tears in ACL torn knees in case of an existing meniscofemoral ligament? Tobias JUNG (Keynote Speaker, Germany)
18:10 - 18:18 Issues in performing a transtibial repair of a lateral root tear concomitantly with an ACL reconstruction? Christoph KITTL (knee surgeon) (Keynote Speaker, muenster, Germany)
18:18 - 18:30 Discussion.