Wednesday 29 May

"Wednesday 29 May"

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08:00 - 08:40

Keynote Presentation 5

08:00 - 08:40 Importance of surface properties for real contact area formation. Kalin MITJAN (Keynote Speaker, Slovenia)

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D3-Session 1
08:40 - 10:40

Tribology and Wear Phenomena

Moderator: Hamid ZAIDI (Professor) (Poitiers - France, France)
08:40 - 09:00 #39611 - Surface modification of nanoMOFs with microgels for tribological application.
Surface modification of nanoMOFs with microgels for tribological application.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic and progressive joint disease characterized by cartilage destruction, synovial thickening, joint space narrowing, osteophyte, and calcium crystal deposition, which affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide [1,2]. Synergetic therapy is an emerging platform for the treatment of OA [3,4], which can provide long-term joint lubrication without shear thinning and restrain the systematic toxicity from oral administration. However, the construction of porous nanocarriers with good lubricating performance and stimuli-responsive drug release is still challenging. We develop a hybrid nanocarrier by growing hydrogel layers on surface of metal-organic framework nanoparticles (nanoMOFs) via one-pot soap-free emulsion polymerization. The core-shell structure of nanoMOFs@microgel demonstrated high-temperature aqueous dispersion stability. Using as aqueous lubricating additives, the hybrids enabled reductions in both the coefficient of friction and wear volume. By co-culturing the anti-inflammatory drug-loaded nanoMOFs@microgel with human normal chondrocytes, the hybrids showed good biocompatibility and anti-inflammatory effect on the chondrocytes with inflammation by regulating the expression of OA-related genes. Our work establishes multifunctional biolubricant system for efficient OA treatment and biomedical application.
Jianxi LIU (Xi'an, China), Lejie TIAN
09:00 - 09:20 #40311 - Micromechanical and tribological behavior of an Al-Fe-Cr alloy obtained by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and its impact on surface topography after polishing.
Micromechanical and tribological behavior of an Al-Fe-Cr alloy obtained by Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and its impact on surface topography after polishing.

Additive manufacturing (AM) processes and corresponding process parameters provide a wide range of structures and mechanical properties. For example, the development of a composite structure with harder particles embedded in a softer metal matrix can lead to the formation of a mechanical blend layer (MML) that significantly decreases the coefficient of friction (COF) and improves wear resistance [1]. In this work, a composite with reinforced quasi-crystalline Al-Fe-Cr aluminum matrix was initially manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM), using a prealloyed Al-Fe-Cr powder. After AM processing, the sample microstructure was composed of a region with coarse quasi-crystals (QCs) particles and a region with fine QC particles (Figure 1). Samples were later characterized by nanoindentation, for evaluation of hardness and elastic modulus of both regions. In parallel, scratch test procedures [2] were conducted on the sample surface, to characterize the effect of a single abrasive particle on both regions. Profilometry tests were conducted to analyze the volumetric loss after the scratch tests and to study the topographic difference of the scratches in both regions. It was identified that the region of fine particles presented an elastic modulus for low nanoindentation load values that is lower than that of the region with coarse particles (Figure 2a). Besides, during the scratch tests, changes in the abrasion micromechanisms were noted as a function of the variation in normal load. Scratch tests have also indicated how the friction and wear behavior was affected by microstructural features, such as quasi-crystal particle distribution (Figure 3). In the end, profilometry analyses indicated that the fine particle region presented the largest volumetric losses after the scratch tests (Figure 2b), corroborating the results of the nanoindentation tests. Results of the micromechanical analysis were later correlated with the behavior of the sample in mechanical polishing (with abrasive sizes down to 0.06 µm), also characterized by profilometry, after which it was noticed that the fine particle region, topographically, is below to the region of coarse particles.
Vinicius LIMA (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
09:20 - 09:40 #39883 - Impact of Polyphenols and Plant Proteins on the Oral Epithelium Topography.
Impact of Polyphenols and Plant Proteins on the Oral Epithelium Topography.

The global ecological context is compelling agri-food industry professionals to increase the production of sustainable food by expanding plant-based protein production. However, foods containing these types of proteins often have a very astringent taste with sensations of dryness, puckering, and a non-juicy perception [1]. The components responsible for astringency are known as polyphenols [2]. This sensation is due to the loss of lubrication on the epithelium because of the aggregation of polyphenols and plant proteins with epithelial proteins such as MUC1[3]. An oral epithelium model was developed to evaluate the effect of polyphenols and plant proteins on epithelium model lubrication and to analyse the protective mechanisms established by the oral mucosa to limit polyphenol and proteins damages before and after friction. An original tribometer was developed within the scope of this work to perform friction on the epithelium model. Tests were conducted by applying polyphenols to epithelium models to examine their effects. In certain cases, proteins rich in proline (PRPs) were additionally introduced to assess their protective capacity against polyphenols. To analyse the effects of these elements, we investigated damage surfaces as well as topographies as indicators. According to the literature, polyphenols induce aggregations that may disrupt epithelial lubrication, thereby resulting in a sensation of astringency [4]. The results of this study indicate that the addition of polyphenols and plant proteins altered the topography of epithelium models, leading to an increase in roughness that characterizes polyphenol aggregation on the surface, see Figure 1 . This topographical alteration is also correlated with an increase in friction forces. Importantly, the study demonstrated that the prior addition of PRPs mitigated the impact of polyphenols, thereby reducing the alteration of the topography. The analysis of damage also revealed that the presence of polyphenols and plant proteins caused more significant damage after friction compared to samples without astringent component addition. These damages were also less pronounced in the presence of PRPs. In conclusion, this study highlights that polyphenols and plant proteins disrupt the surface of oral epithelium models, as evidenced by the alteration of topography associated with an increase in friction forces. These findings suggest that these astringent compounds disturb epithelial lubrication, giving rise to the sensation of astringency. However, the presence of PRPs appears to play a protective role by limiting aggregations, thereby reducing the sensation of astringency and mitigating the effects of polyphenols and plant proteins.
Ianis AMMAM (Lyon), Cyril PAILLER-MATTÉI, Lucas OUILLON, Clement NIVET, Roberto VARGIOLU, Fabrice NEIERS, Francis CANON, Hassan ZAHOUANI
09:40 - 10:00 #39906 - Study of tribofilm formation in a sliding electrical contact: correlation with wear and electrical performance.
Study of tribofilm formation in a sliding electrical contact: correlation with wear and electrical performance.

Recent interest in improving lifespan of electrical slip rings for application in wind turbines has renewed the need for deeper understanding of sliding electrical contact operation. In contact slip rings using graphite-based brush technology, the creation of a tribofilm, or “patina”, at the interface with the metal slip ring is a well-known phenomenon [1, 2]. In this scope, the study of its formation in a bronze/silver-graphite contact has been conducted. The test bench is based on an instrumented industrial slip ring specific for wind turbine application (Figure 1). It permits to measure the electrical performance of the contact during the rotation. The electrical resistance measurement, coupled with an encoder for the angular position, allows to draw the electrical resistance as a function of both the number of cycles and the position of the brush on the ring. Thanks to this, we are able to link the electrical performance to the structural and chemical state of the tribofilm. We performed surface and structural observations with optical microscope and SEM/TEM/EDX, as well as advanced chemical surface characterization with XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Thanks to this multitechnique analysis, a scenario of tribofilm formation on the metallic surface of the slip ring has been proposed, and permits to justify the evolution of the electrical performance of the sliding contact (Figure 2). Wear measurements on the silver-graphite brushes were also conducted. The results show an influence of both the electrical current direction and the brushes sliding direction on wear. If the polarity effects were already documented in the literature [3-5] and can be explained by oxidation phenomena, the effect of the sliding direction seems to be more peculiar. We suspect the loose third body, composed by powdery wear debris, to be responsible for the reduction of the brush wear. It could explain why the effect of sliding direction is not well described, since it would depend on the contact geometry and its debris retention capability. Further investigation will be undertaken to confirm this hypothesis. We also want to estimate the impact of a modification of the roughness of the metallic ring, which could play a role in the debris retention and the tribofilm formation.
Timothée DOUTRIAUX (Ecully), Siegfried FOUVRY, Sébastien LAROUSSE, Manon ISARD, Olivier GRATON, Maria Isabel DE BARROS BOUCHET
10:00 - 10:20 #40300 - Effects of cosmetic treatments on the biotribology, vibrational and sensorial properties of a single human hair fibre.
Effects of cosmetic treatments on the biotribology, vibrational and sensorial properties of a single human hair fibre.

Everybody wants beautiful hair that is pleasant to touch. Indeed, hair has great social significance for human beings as it reflects our physical state. Thus, for many years, especially in the second half of the 20th century, scientists have focused on the physical and chemical properties of hair and developed methods of evaluation based on scientific values. We propose to explore the tribological and morphological hair changes due to chemical and thermomechanical treatments. Caucasian hair samples were used. We studied the effect of chemical and thermomechanical treatments on the sensorial properties of hair. The morphology of hair was evaluated using optical interferometry and wavelet analysis. A haptic tribometer system to perform the friction tests and simultaneously measure the friction force and the vibrations between the probe and the hair surface. Several key results were obtained in this study. First, a new method using wavelet decomposition of a surface was used to quantitatively evaluate hair cuticle modifications at different scales. The SMa and NAD parameters were found to be good indicators of the sensorial properties of hair (softness and brightness). Then, we introduced vibration analysis during the friction test as a new parameter to study the tribological behavior of the hair surface. The acoustic vibratory level was found to be a good indicator of the hair surface’s softness. Furthermore, the dependence of the frequency peak of the induced vibrations during the friction tests, with respect to the roughness of the hair surface was demonstrated. An increase in roughness corresponds to a peak of higher amplitude. Finally, it appeared that coloring and bleaching hair damaged it and impacted its sensorial properties: the hair fiber became less soft, less bright and rougher. Moreover, applying thermomechanical treatments to damaged hair improved sensorial properties by smoothing the surface and erasing the asperities. Thus, the hair fiber appears brighter and smoother.

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10:40 - 11:00

Coffee Break


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D3Session 1B
11:00 - 13:00

Tribology and Wear Phenomena

Moderator: Caroline RICHARD (Tours, France)
11:00 - 11:20 #38777 - Tribological characterization of surfaces featuring functional properties in the phase space by combining topography measurement with scattering light measurement.
Tribological characterization of surfaces featuring functional properties in the phase space by combining topography measurement with scattering light measurement.

Typically, functional characterization is implemented using profile of areal surface topography. Common evaluation methods include the function-oriented surface texture parameters defined by ISO 21290 and ISO 25178-2. The tribological performance however does not only correspond to the statistical distribution of height values but, because of fractal characteristics [1] [2], is also majorly influenced by the gradients: Coulomb already noted that friction between two surfaces is caused by "interlocking of surface asperities" [3]. Popov stated that the surface gradient is one of the “main representative surface parameters” for friction [4]. The calculation of the surface gradient based on the measured topography is sensitive to noise, so that a direct measurement is essential. Thus, for a comprehensive functional characterization, a measurement of both the topography and the surface gradients are useful. If the displacements of a coordinate z are interpreted as the position of a particle and its derivative as velocity (or massless momentum) z ̇, two new coordinates q and q ̇ can be assigned to them. Each "coordinate particle" ξ_i has a state in the phase space defined by its position coordinate q and its "momentum coordinate" q ̇. The surface itself is represented by the new bivariate probability distribution p(q,q ̇). A comparison of surface profiles can demonstrate that a function-oriented characterization of the surface, which considers lubricant film thickness as well as the contact mechanical properties of surface slopes, can be described by this distribution, and different phase space representations can result even with identical values of function-oriented parameters. We describe the general definition of the state space approach for the functional characterization of surfaces and its application in specific use-cases. A direct measurement of the state space can be achieved, when both an angular and topographic measurement are implemented: Scattering light methods, as described normatively, for example in VDA2009 [5], have long been used successfully as a means of production monitoring and allow a direct measurement of the statistical distribution of surface angles. However, their advantages in terms of robustness against environmental factors such as vibrations or aerosols and their high measurement speed have been the primary focus, distinguishing them from tactile, confocal, or interferometric methods. The method described in VDA2009 is traceable through calibration with suitable standards [6], making it suitable for industrial quality management. In practice, it is used, for example, in the specification of worm gears with high efficiency requirements [7]. By combining angle-resolved scattering light measurement technology with a topography measurement method, such as confocal microscopy, a direct measurement of the described state space representation can be achieved, as both the height distribution and the statistical distribution of gradients are known. One example is shown in Figure 1, where the measurement of the track of the flat roller of an Amsler pin-disk test run is shown [8]. Both 286,720 color-coded Aq values (variance of the local angular scattering light distribution) from a measurement spot with a diameter of 300 µm over a width of 1 mm with a roller diameter of 30 mm just as well as, the topography of a 320 x 320 µm section is shown, captured with a confocal microscope (NA 0.8, 50x, F-operator 2nd order). Positions A and B represent the surface before and after a 50-hour load with 2 GPa. The change to a left-skewed height profile and a dramatic thinning of the gradient distribution is clearly visible. The latter is also evident in the scattering light measurement across the entire contact area, where not only local information is provided, but also the dispersion of all contact areas can be discussed through multiple parameters.
Boris BRODMANN (Karlsruhe, Germany), Matthias EIFLER
11:20 - 11:40 #40303 - Changes in surface topography during running-in of bearing steel contacts under mixed lubrication.
Changes in surface topography during running-in of bearing steel contacts under mixed lubrication.

The running-in is the initial process for new moving parts wearing against each other to establish the surface shape that will transition into a stable relationship for the rest of their working life. The objective of this research is to investigate and evaluate the running-in process that occurs in rolling-sliding contacts under mixed-lubrication conditions where the contact is partly under boundary lubrication (BL) and partly in EHL. Running-in typically involves permanent changes to the surface topography involving asperity flattening through mild wear and plastic deformation. To improve the prediction of service life or friction of rolling-element bearings under mixed-lubrication conditions, knowledge of surface topography changes during running-in and their dependence on the operating condition is an important prerequisite. This paper describes the changes in surface topography due mechanisms such as wear, plastic flow and elastic-plastic deformation, during running-in under typical rolling element bearing conditions. AISI 52100 steel specimens were tested, with a surface finish between 0.02 and 0.03 µm Ra, in a mini traction machine (MTM) and a TE74 twin disc tribometer instrumented with friction and contact potential measurement in the presence of a synthetic (PAO) base oil, operating in the mixed lubrication regime. Roughness trends over the running-in period for S (3D) and R (2D) roughness parameters are analysed to such that these measurements were made successfully on surfaces with initial Ra of 20 nm thus presenting nanometre scale changes. A novel method of pre and post-test surface relocation with 3-D optical profilometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was implemented for the worn flat MTM disc while measurement of the curved and highly reflective surfaces of the TE74 were obtained using 2-D surface profiles using a Taylor Hobson Intra Touch contact profilometer. Rolling-sliding tests under different contact conditions (i.e. specific film thickness () values, slide-to-roll ratio (SRR) and entrainment speed) were performed to study the effect of these contact conditions on the changes in surface topography during running-in. Asperity scale detail of running-in is presented showing elastic or plastic deformation and/or wear of asperity peaks. When plastic deformation occurs, it is accompanied by material flow from the peaks onto the adjacent valleys [1]. This mechanism is detected by changes in valley depth and skewness values with up to a 25% change. The work shows running-in influences the lambda ratio and that a new definition using surface skewness should be considered to better capture contact conditions and explain the transition from mixed BL/EHL to EHL or EHL/hydrodynamic lubrication regimes and thus friction levels. Previous work used the plasticity index ψ, surface roughness parameter β, real contact area ratio A0* but these do not fully capture the evolution of contact roughness during running-in [2]. The results exhibit the rapid nature of running-in and how most of the surface topography changes occur in the first few load cycles. The number of cycles needed for the surfaces to reach steady state are also presented. Surface topography transitions such as asperity removal due to wear, increase in the load-bearing area of the asperities and in tests with slip, plastic flow of material from peaks into adjacent valleys are shown at high magnification. These results are compared with trends seen in the friction and contact potential difference (CPD) to help interpret the actual lubricated contact conditions.
Terry HARVEY, Robert WOOD (Southampton, United Kingdom), Maruti SAKHAMURI
11:40 - 12:00 #40308 - Profilometric measurements of wear volumes of discs and balls after reciprocating sliding.
Profilometric measurements of wear volumes of discs and balls after reciprocating sliding.

In most cases, wear is undesirable because it can cause loss of machine usefulness or material failure. To achieve accurate wear predictions in industrial applications tests should be performed in conditions that simulate the exact wear process. Gravimetric method is one of the simplest ways to measure wear. It is problematic to use it for very low wear values and for very heavy elements. Wear can be examined precisely using profilometric method [1, 2, 3]. Measurement of only worn scars can be used typically for wear testing using test rigs. The wear volume can be calculated from equations based on the shape of the scar. However, the methods existing in the standard are indirect, based on approximation, and difficult to consider plastic deformations. The experiments were carried out in reciprocating sliding using the Optimol SRV5 tester in ball-on-disc configuration. The strokes were between 0.2 and 2 mm. After tests, surface topographies of balls and discs were measured using white light profilometer Talysurf CCI Lite. Wear volumes of worn scars on the disc surface were obtained using two methods. The ASTM D7755-11 standard [4] should be used for strokes less than 2.5 mm. Sizes of wear scares and only one cross-sectional profile is needed (Figure 1) for approximation of the volumetric wear. The middle zone A and rounded zones B are included. Volumetric wear of discs were also calculated directly from the results of areal topography measurement. Figure 2 presents examples of contour plots of wear scars. Wear volumes of balls were also calculated using two methods. According to ASTM G133-05 standard [5] volumetric wear was approximated based on the diameter of truncated ball. Wear volumes of balls were also calculated using the results of areal surface topography measurement. It was found that the application of the ASTM D7755-11 standard typically led to overestimation of volumetric wear of disc. Procedure of improving this standard was proposed. Calculation of volumetric wear of ball typically according to ASTM G133-05 standard typically led to underestimation of the result compared to direct wear measurement. Possible errors in wear levels determinations were discussed. Limitations of profilometric measurement methods were considered. In the future, existing standards related to scar measurements should be modified, considering methods of areal measurements of wear scars. These standards should include detailed procedures of wear scar measurement and analysis. Human judgment is an important factor that affects the accuracy of wear measurement.
Pawel PAWLUS, Rafal REIZER (Rzeszow, Poland)
12:00 - 12:20 #38833 - Relevant texture parameters versus rolling resistance – a parametric study of various asphalt mixes.
Relevant texture parameters versus rolling resistance – a parametric study of various asphalt mixes.

Transportation is responsible for about a quarter of the Europes’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Within this sector, road transport is by far the biggest emitter accounting for more than 70% of all GHG emissions from transport in 2014 [1]. This environmental footprint is not compatible with a worldwide ambition and effort to steadily reduce the GHG emissions associated with the transportation sector. One of the factors affecting vehicle’s fuel economy is rolling resistance. Rolling resistance is a physical phenomenon related to the dissipation of energy that occurs during the passage of a tire on a road pavement [2, 3, 4]. This loss of energy generates forces opposed to the vehicle movement, which in turn increase fuel consumption. Three physical phenomena can be identified that explain rolling resistance: 1) deformation of the tire in the tire/road contact area, 2) aerodynamic drag of the rotating tire, and 3) slip between the tire tread and the pavement surface. Rolling resistance can represent until 30% of the resistive forces depending on the vehicles’ characteristics and the driving conditions (rural or urban roads, motorways). According to several studies, rolling resistance is responsible for 5 to 20% of the fuel consumption of a passenger car and 15 to 40% of trucks’ fuel consumption. It depends on multiple factors related to the vehicle type (load, suspension), tyre properties (rubber, inflation pressure, rubber temperature), vehicle operating conditions (speed), atmospheric conditions (wind, temperature) and road pavement characteristics (roughness, macrotexture). However, the factors described previously can have opposite effects on rolling resistance and their real individual contribution is difficult to assess. Moreover, the effect of pavement surface texture is not well known and more particularly the role of various texture scale on the rolling resistance. This paper presents a laboratory study performed on sixteen asphalt mixes designed with several aggregates’ sizes and mineralogical compositions, different sand types and different types of binder. Consequently, they exhibit various surface textures. Rolling resistance measurements are performed thanks to a new laboratory test using the machine Wehner & Schulze [6]. Texture measurements are realized with laser profilometer and a wide range of texture parameters defined in ISO 25178 series are estimated. Statistical analysis are performed to determine the most relevant texture indicators to explain rolling resistance. Parameters such as RMS (Root Mean Square height) and Smc (Inverse Areal Material Ratio) appear as the most correlated with rolling resistance, which can be explained by the fact that an increase in roughness entails an increase of the energy losses by indentation phenomenon.
Donatien DE LESQUEN, Veronique CEREZO (Lyon), Enzo MARIETTE, Julien VAN ROMPU, Manuela GENNESSEAUX
12:20 - 12:40 #40307 - Effect of laser texturing and DLC coating on seizure resistance in reciprocating sliding.
Effect of laser texturing and DLC coating on seizure resistance in reciprocating sliding.

Surface texturing is a method leading to an improvement in tribological properties of assembly by creating dimples on sliding surface. These dimples may cause a decrease in friction. Surface texturing can be used also to increase in the seizure and abrasive wear resistances. This technique is very popular, and applications of surface texturing were described elsewhere [1-3]. There are many texturing techniques, including burnishing [4] and abrasive jet machining [5]. However, laser texturing is the widely used technique [6]. Typically circular dimples are employed, they are characterised by depth and diameter. The ratios between the depth and diameter of the circular dimples are between 0.01 and 0.1 [7]. The experiments were carried out in lubricated conformal reciprocating motion using the Optimol SRV5 tester. The contact region had the shape of the ring. The lower disc was the sample while the upper disc was a counter-sample. Both discs were prepared from 42CrMo4 steel of 44±2HRC hardness. Only samples (lower discs) were textured and DLC coated. Before each test, a drop of mineral oil L-AN-46 was supplied to the contact area. Seizure resistance tests were carried out under the following conditions: stroke 3 mm, normal load 1000 N, frequency of oscillation 20 Hz, and initial temperature 300C. Maximum test duration was 2 hours. Tests were stopped when the coefficient of friction reached 0.3 or temperature was higher than 1000C. Maximum test duration was 2h. Figure 1 presents the example of test result. The untextured sample without DLC coating led to the increase in the coefficient of friction as test progressed. The jump of the friction force and seizure occurred after approximately 3300 seconds. The presence of seizure was confirmed from visual inspection of sample and counter sample. Textured sample contained circular oil pockets of pit area ratios of 3 and 13%,and depth between 15 and 20 µm. Textured discs did not lead to seizure. Traces of seizure on textured sample were not visible (Figure 2). Among textured discs sample with pit area ratio of 13% behaved better. DLC coating led to decrease in the coefficient of friction. The smallest variation of the friction force occurred for textured sample with pit area ratio of 13%. Other textured samples were also tested. It was found that laser surface texturing caused an increase in seizure resistance in lubricated reciprocating sliding. The results depend on parameters that characterize textured surface (diameter and pit area ratio). DLC coating led to a decrease in the coefficient of friction in conditions of high unitary pressure.
Slawomir WOS, Pawel PAWLUS (Rzeszow, Poland), Waldemar KOSZELA, Andrzej DZIERWA
12:40 - 13:00 #41066 - Evolution of the tire-road interface in relation to rubber layer deposition and tire-road wear particles presence.
Evolution of the tire-road interface in relation to rubber layer deposition and tire-road wear particles presence.

Following road engineering determinants of road safety and infrastructure longevity, research of tire-road interface focuses on friction and wear aspects of interface evolution. In road engineering, the interface evolution is traditionally depicted by the road aggregate polishing process. However, the surface coatings covering the aggregate and the presence of tire-road wear particles at the interface are often overlooked [1, 2]. To investigate these factors, a laboratory study was conducted using a tribometer with a pin-on-disk configuration. This study aimed to monitor the evolution of the friction coefficient during wear tests in a controlled environment [3, 4]. Mosaic disks were fabricated using granite, a common aggregate in road construction, and a softer limestone aggregate. A series of short-term tests were performed to examine the initial stages of surface alterations, including aggregate and rubber wear, rubber deposition on aggregate surfaces, and the generation of tire-road wear particles. Throughout the experiment, data on surface topography, friction coefficients, and mass loss of different system components were collected to elucidate the early stages of tire-road contact evolution. Morphological and compositional analyses of tire-road wear particles (TRWP) were conducted to assess the differential impact of various particle types on the friction coefficient. The study identified two primary phases in the friction coefficient curve: an initial increase followed by a continual decline after the peak. This behaviour was attributed not primarily to polishing but to the rubber layer's surface coating and the generation of interface wear particles. The presence of both the rubber layer and TRWP contributes to a reduction in the friction coefficient and wear rate, with distinct mechanisms associated with each third-body type. While the rubber layer masks microtexture and mediates sliding between surfaces, TRWP introduce a rolling element to the interaction. Comparing the collected wear particles revealed a similar composition and morphology to the particles collected on-road and generated in other laboratory settings reported by other researchers [5]. Our research illuminates the intricate interplay between the friction coefficient and the condition of the tire-road interface. It underscores the need to consider the deposition of the rubber layer and the presence of TRWP for their collective effect on the friction coefficient. This investigation advances the limited understanding of the texture-friction relationship by highlighting the significance of wear particle presence and surface coatings in enhancing road safety.
Minh-Tan DO (Nantes)

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13:00 - 14:00

Lunch Break


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14:00 - 14:40

Keynote Presentation 6

14:00 - 14:40 SMART Sensors for Sustainable Manufacturing. Cosimi CORLETO (STIL) (Keynote Speaker, Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3, France)

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D3-Session 3
14:40 - 16:00

Measurement, Instrumentation &Characterization in Metrology

Moderator: Jianxi LIU (Researcher) (Xi'an, China)
14:40 - 15:00 #39985 - Characterisation of SnO2 films prepared for different glass substrates by spectroscopic ellipsometry and ellipsometric data inversion.
Characterisation of SnO2 films prepared for different glass substrates by spectroscopic ellipsometry and ellipsometric data inversion.

This paper investigates the impact of ion infiltration of substrates on the optical properties of films. SnO2 films are prepared on silica-soda-lime (SL) and fused quartz (FQ) substrates by spin-coating method with the same growth parameters. The roughness of the films is characterised by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The compositions are determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The physical properties, such as refractive index and extinction coefficient, are analyzed by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) with a single Tauc-Lorentz oscillator model in the wavelength range between 250-1000nm. Results show that the refractive index on FQ is more significant than that on SL, which may be caused by the metal ions of substrates. This phenomenon indicates that the substrate type affect the film's optical properties. In addition, the whale optimisation algorithm (WOA) is applied for the determination of thicknesses and refractive index of SnO2 in different substrates with transparent wavelength coverage (400nm-800nm), and it found that the results obtained by the WOA algorithm agree with those by SE well.
Liyuan MA (Xiamen, China), Changcai CUI, Tukun LI, Shan LOU, Paul SCOTT, Wenhan ZENG
15:00 - 15:20 #40018 - Facilitating metrology integration through the development of miniature nanophotonic-based sensors.
Facilitating metrology integration through the development of miniature nanophotonic-based sensors.

The manufacturing sector is consistently looking to move towards more smart and autonomous processes in order to reduce wastage and achieve ‘right first-time every-time’ outcomes. This requires sufficient real-time feedback from processes to correct errors during machining/build cycles. Achieving this is non-trivial and requires the proliferation of sensors integrated to provide ‘on-machine’ or ‘in-process’ measurement. The current size, weight and cost of conventional optical instrumentation is a significant barrier to realising this vision. While there have been ongoing efforts to realise small and lightweight instrumentation using conventional approaches these have seen limited success in general. However, recent developments in the areas of nanophotonics and metasurfaces means they now offer a path by which a step-change in these key sensor attributes can be achieved. Here, we discuss our recent work in this area, considering how metasurfaces can be utilised to both miniaturise and simplify optical systems. The flexible control of optical wavefronts passing through metasurfaces also potentially provides a path to implement techniques that, if realised using conventional glass elements could only be achieved using complex and difficult to manufacture freeform optical surfaces. Our recent work has looked at exploiting metasurfaces to create ultra-compact realisations of several optical techniques prevalent in surface and dimensional metrology, including confocal microscopy, chromatic confocal microscopy, spectroscopy and focus variation. However, the potential of this approach goes far beyond this. The metasurfaces implemented are of the truncated optical waveguide form, consisting of square arrays of GaN pillars having a fixed height of 750 nm and arranged with a centre-to-centre spacing of 450 nm. The radii of the pillars are varied to change the local phase delay that light experiences when passing through them. Circular pillars are used which minimise polarisation dependence which is advantageous for sensors detecting light reflected from unknown surfaces. A selection of the manufactured metasurfaces on an Al_2 O_3 substrate is shown in figure 1(a). The confocal sensor shown in figure 1(b) demonstrates how multiple functions can be combined in a single metasurface, interleaving pillars that deliver two different phase delays simultaneously allow the sensor to be realised with just the addition of a point light source and a point detector. The chromatic confocal sensor (CCS) shown in figure 1(c) utilises the chromatic aberration inherent in basic hyperbolic metalens designs to remove the need for groups of lenses or diffractive optical elements. In this realisation, the end of an optical fibre is used as the point source with the only additional element needed to realise the probe being the metalens. In addition, we have combined this with metalens-enhanced probe with a compact specklemeter. This device the analyses wavelength dependant speckle patterns, produced by a pseudo-randomized scattering medium consisting of femtosecond laser machined voids, to replace a conventional bulk optic spectrometer. This approach yields a CCS sensor with both the probe and the detection elements realised in an ultra-compact form. Finally, we describe a focus variation instrument that exploits the wavelength dependent focal plane of a simple metalens to determine topography using a ‘shape-from-focus’ approach without any mechanical scanning of elements, and a metasurface based spectrometer implemented by a metalens which combines dispersion and focussing functions in a single element. Summary: Nanophotonic elements, including photonic metasurfaces, offer a new path to the creation of ultra-compact instrumentation which can overcome the longstanding barriers present when using traditional approaches to optical sensor design. We show how they can provide a path to the development of a new generation of ultra-compact optical instrumentation which will underpin the necessary proliferation of on-machine optical sensors and support the development of more smart and autonomous manufacturing processes.
Daniel TOWNEND, Andrew HENNING (Hudderfield, United Kingdom), Justin Ho-Tin CHAN, Joseph KENDRICK, Pengqian (Jacob) YANG, James WILLIAMSON, Dawei TANG, Nityanand SHARMA, Haydn MARTIN, Xiang (Jane) JIANG
15:20 - 15:40 #38873 - Enhancing the potential of fringe projection measurement in L-PBF additive manufacturing.
Enhancing the potential of fringe projection measurement in L-PBF additive manufacturing.

Metallic-based additive manufacturing through Laser-Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) has gained significant attention across various sectors due to its capability to produce highly accurate, complex, and customised geometric parts [1, 2]. Consequently, addressing unexpected deviations from the intended geometry during the production process through post-processing operations becomes challenging, particularly for internal complex features. To address this limitation, in-process layer-based surface measurement methods are an active area of research to enable in-time corrective actions or process halts upon the identification of critical defects [1, 3–6]. Fringe projection (FP) [3, 7] has shown potential as a suitable measurement technique, owing to its high-resolution, non-invasive, and full-field surface topology measurement capabilities, facilitating defect detection. In the L-PBF process, FP measurements are typically implemented in a fully-closed confined machine chamber. This requires the proper integration of the measurement system with the existing machine setup to enable accurate measurement of the printed surface within the expected limits of accuracy and resolution, minimising errors. To fully exploit FP advantages for measuring surface topology in L-PBF, appropriate hardware choices regarding the measurement system are crucial. Additionally, the FP acquisition and reconstruction algorithms should be customised to realise the required measurement speed and accuracy. This study identifies factors significantly impacting measurement speed, accuracy and resolution, with emphasis on investigating the impact of hardware selection and related parameters. Simulations conducted using Unity and Solidworks software offer insights into depth of field, resolution, and field of view within a 1:1 scale mock-up chamber within an L-PBF machine (see Figures 1 and 2 for the design and FP simulation, respectively). This analysis enables the selection of suitable lens and aperture sizes, allowing to focus on the measurement area and reducing noise interference due to compact space of L-PBF chamber. Based on the hardware setup and simulation outcomes, an optimal depth of field is determined to ensure consistent fringe resolution across the target area. Furthermore, the gamma calibration plots signify the appropriate choice and application of fringe projection methods.
Tibebe YALEW (Nottingham,UK, United Kingdom), Qingkang BAO, Xiangjun KONG, Luke TODHUNTER, Gerardo ADESSO, Samanta PIANO
15:40 - 16:00 #40119 - Advancements in 3D Surface Characterization: Developing Novel Filtration Techniques for Complex Freeform Surfaces.
Advancements in 3D Surface Characterization: Developing Novel Filtration Techniques for Complex Freeform Surfaces.

Recent advancements in manufacturing technologies, notably in additive manufacturing, have enabled the production of complex freeform surfaces tailored to meet specific functional requirements. However, the precise measurement and characterization of these intricate surfaces pose significant challenges when using traditional methods. In our prior research, we established a comprehensive framework for characterizing freeform surfaces represented as 3D triangle meshes. This innovative approach allows for a complete assessment of 3D surface topography without compromising any data. Within this framework, we have also developed and validated a suite of 3D parameters. These parameters encompass various dimensions, including height, hybrid, volume, and feature-specific measurements. A critical aspect of 3D surface characterization is surface decomposition, which entails differentiating the surface texture from the foundational reference surface. This paper introduces our latest advancements in freeform surface filtration techniques essential for effective decomposition. We are currently developing four distinct types of filtration methods: (1) Laplacian Diffusion Filter: This functions similarly to the standard Gaussian filter but is tailored for lattice grid surfaces. It effectively smoothens the surface while maintaining its essential characteristics. (2) Improved Diffusion Filter with Anti-Shrinkage Properties: This innovative filter is adept for both dimensional analysis and surface texture assessment. Its anti-shrinkage feature ensures that the true nature of the surface is retained during the filtration process. (3) Feature-Preserving Diffusion Filter: Specifically designed for structured freeform surfaces, this filter maintains the integrity of distinct surface features while performing necessary filtration. (4) Morphological Filters: These versatile filters are capable of executing a range of operations, including morphological erosion, dilation, opening, closing, and sequential procedures. They are instrumental in refining the surface for detailed analysis. The paper will introduce these filtration methods and present preliminary results demonstrating their efficacy in the context of freeform surface characterization. This research marks a significant step forward in the precise analysis of complex surfaces, paving the way for more advanced applications in manufacturing and quality control.
Wenhan ZENG (Huddersfield, United Kingdom), Francois BLATEYRON, Shan LOU, Paul SCOTT, Xiangqian JIANG

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16:00 - 16:20

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"Wednesday 29 May"

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D3Session 3b
16:20 - 17:20

Measurement, Instrumentation &Characterization in Metrology

Moderator: Roberto SOUZA (Faculty) (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Brazil)
16:20 - 16:40 #40288 - Roughness road analysis by photometric computer vision system.
Roughness road analysis by photometric computer vision system.

The most recent technological advances in imaging technologies, including optical systems and algorithms, have been utilized to inspect (measure) roads and their surroundings. Such data enable road managers or local authorities to assess road safety. However, there is a need to explore a compromise between measurement time, metrological accuracy, transportability and the cost of the system used. In this study, an optimized process in terms of acquisition systems and algorithms is proposed to measure the roughness of the road microstructure and macrostructure. The photometric stereo technique, which estimates surface normals from a set of images observing the same scene under different light conditions, is employed [1-3]. As the appearance of the road can change depending on its formulation or age, a fast MLP algorithm is applied to model the reciprocal function of various BRDFs. Similarly, only six lights (LED with a diffuser) are positioned in a ring around the measured sample to limit acquisition time, and they are fixed to the camera to ensure the accuracy of their locations. Since the scale of microstructure variations is about 100 µm and a few millimeters for the macrostructure along the Z axis for a small part of the road, a lens with a long focal length is used to avoid optical distortions. The camera's cell sensor size is 3.45 x 3.45 µm, and the resolution is 4096 x 3000 for an acquired surface of size 146 x 109 mm. To avoid spatial demosaicing distortions, a matrix of 2 by 2 pixels from the Bayer filter is used to produce one color pixel. The resolution for axes X and Y is thus 71 µm, and the full system cost is less than 10 k€. Figure 1 presents the results obtained for these samples. The total time for acquiring images and computing roughness parameters according to ISO norm 4287 [2] from the 3D surface is less than 5 minutes with a standard laptop computer. The results obtained with our framework show a strong correlation between traditional surface roughness measurements and our measurements. Thanks to our process, a compromise is proposed between the price of the acquisition system, processing time, and spatial sampling. In the future, these initial results could be extended to color and glossiness evaluation because photometric stereo allows measuring the albedo of a surface simultaneously with its shape.
Benjamin BRINGIER, Majdi KHOUDEIR (Poitiers)
16:40 - 17:00 #40299 - Holistic calibration and non-uniform B-splines reconstruction framework of deflectometry.
Holistic calibration and non-uniform B-splines reconstruction framework of deflectometry.

Phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) is a potential measuring tool of optical surfaces, particularly for freeform surface measurement, owing to its high dynamic range, high sensitivity, high dynamic range, and high robustness. It is a gradient measuring tool, in which the correspondences between the camera and screen pixels are established based on their gray levels or phases. The normal directions at the measurement points can be deduced from the geometrical configuration and the law of reflection. Then the surface form of the surface under test (SUT) can be reconstructed by gradient integration. This paper addresses several key aspects, such as attaining high-precision calibration and reconstructing complex surface forms, and so on. Specifically, the measuring accuracy of PMD based on the geometric ray-tracing relies on the quality of system calibration. However, achieving high-precision calibration poses challenges. Traditional stepwise calibration methods can lead to error accumulation and amplification. Additionally, oversimplified imaging models and biases in numerical optimization contribute to calibration errors. Therefore, a holistic calibration method based on the holonomic framework priors (HCHFP), grounded in a thorough analysis of PMD uncertainty, is proposed to address the aforementioned issues by leveraging the associated physical constraints. Besides, independently modeling each ray, in conjunction with ray-tracing and imaging compensation, enhances the representational capacity. On the other hands, high-precision reconstruction by gradient integration is also challenging in PMD. Because most reconstruction algorithms are not well adapted to complex surface forms with local undulations, and a large number of tedious operations are demanded for calculating the ray intersections. Therefore, a general reconstruction framework is proposed based on the non-uniform B-spline (NUBS), which embeds the NUBS into the PMD framework to enhance the local representativity. And the correspondences between the points on the screen, camera and workpiece can be established by the parameter mapping instead of by the ray intersections, which reducing the complexity of the algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that HCHFP can improve measurement accuracy by at least 38% compared to traditional approaches. And a general reconstruction framework based on NUBS achieves measurement precision at the hundred-nanometres for complex surface forms. Finally, measurement results of several typical optical components are presented, along with their relevant application scenarios. And it can find widespread applications in precision optical measurement.
Wei LANG (Shanghai, China), Xiangchao ZHANG
17:00 - 17:20 #40569 - A multi-laboratory comparison of surface texture parameters using coherence scanning interferometry and confocal microscopy.
A multi-laboratory comparison of surface texture parameters using coherence scanning interferometry and confocal microscopy.

As the manufacturing industry continues to evolve, so does the need to further improve the functionality of a manufactured part. Thus, the aim of a manufacturing process is not solely limited to the production of a part to fit its nominal design shape but also to modify its surface characteristics with the goal of increasing its performance. Knowledge of a part’s surface can provide insight into the manufacturing processes used to create it and, by understanding surface properties, we can potentially enhance the functionality of the surface under examination [1]. Looking at it from another perspective, 75 % of failures are determined in the early stages of a part’s development but are not detected until the later stages of production, due to limited feedback. Optical surface topography measuring instruments use the light scattered from a measured surface to reconstruct and obtain a height map of the surface. Then, the reconstructed height map can be used to determine the surface texture parameters of the measured surface. However, given the variability of measurement techniques between instruments, discrepancies are commonly observed in the outputs of different instruments. Inconsistencies are also detected when comparing optical with contact instruments. In many cases, the differences between instruments can be explained using critical assessment of the measured topographies, usually expressed in formal comparison exercises [2, 3]. The main outcomes of a comparison exercise are to establish traceability in the measurement and to compare and assess the outputs of different instruments. In contrast, the comparison exercise performed in this work was designed to establish a generic benchmark for the output of surface texture parameters from eleven participating laboratories. Several limitations were placed on each participant to restrict the impact of instrument related influence factors on the measured data and of different data processing methods. In detail, the measurement techniques considered were coherence scanning interferometry (CSI) and confocal microscopy. Further, the objective lens chosen had to cover a measurement area of at least (0.5 × 0.5) mm without stitching, with a minimum numerical aperture of 0.2. As for the measurements themselves, a robust protocol ensured that each participant was able to navigate to each measurement area with 1 the help of easily identifiable fiducials markers. Finally, data processing was solely carried out by the pilot laboratory and the participating laboratories were able to control and vary only the instrument and acquisition settings. Consequently, the variables on which the benchmark is based are the measuring instruments and their respective operators. The material measures measured, shown in figure 1, are a type profile periodic sinusoid (PPS) and type areal irregular (AIR). The analysis of the measured data involved levelling of the topographies followed by alignment and cropping of the supplied data using a co-localisation algorithm. The aforementioned instrument-related restrictions coupled with the strict application of the protocol’s guidelines resulted in minimum alignment shifts of the measured data in relation to the other participants’ measurements. Bandwidth matching was then performed using the appropriate Gaussian convolution S- and L-filters [4, 5].
Athanasios PAPPAS (Nottingham, United Kingdom)