Friday 27 May

"Friday 27 May"

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08:30 - 16:15

Short Course nr. 2
Risk analysis for levee systems

Coordinators: Bruno BEULLAC (Ingénieur) (Coordinator, Le Tholonet, France), Rémy TOURMENT (Expert Engineer) (Coordinator, Aix-en-Provence, France)
08:30 - 16:15 Sylvain Palix. Jonathan SIMM (Chief Technical Director - Resilience) (Presenter, Wallingford, United Kingdom), Thibaut MALLET (Directeur général) (Presenter, Arles, France), Sébastien PATOUILLARD (Chef du Département Etudes et Travaux Loire (DETL)) (Presenter, Orléans, France)
GYPTIS (Palais des Arts)

"Friday 27 May"

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08:30 - 17:30

Short Course nr. 3
Analysis methods of dam survey data

Presenters: Cyril GUIDOUX (Expert in Fibre optics surveillance system) (Presenter, Chambéry, France), Guillaume GROELL (Responsable de l'activité Barrages réservoirs et ressource en eau) (Presenter, Sophia Antipolis, France), Nathalie ROSIN-CORRE (Ingénieure en chef) (Presenter, Lyon, France), Mathieu ROY (Presenter, France)
Coordinators: Claudio CARVAJAL (Research Engineer) (Coordinator, Aix-en-Provence, France), Alexandre SIMON (Expert) (Coordinator, Saint-Martin Le Vinoux, France)
PROTIS (Palais des Arts)

"Friday 27 May"

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09:00 - 17:30

Short Course nr. 1
Risk analysis for dams: French practice through Safety Review Risk Assessment

Presenters: Thomas ADELINE (ingénieur-conseil) (Presenter, Lyon, France), Frédéric LAUGIER (Presenter, Bassens, France), Jean-Charles PALACIOS (Directeur d'Activités) (Presenter, NANTERRE, France), Jérôme SAUSSE (Expert) (Presenter, Ussac, France), Eric VUILLERMET (EXPERT Sûreté Ouvrages Hydrauliques) (Presenter, NIMES, France)
Coordinators: Guirec PREVOT (Coordinator, France), Laurent PEYRAS (Ingénieur - chercheur) (Coordinator, aix en provence, France)
PYTHÉAS (Palais des Arts)

"Friday 27 May"

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16:30 - 19:00

ICOLD Board and Technical Committee Chairpersons meetting
...des présidents des Comités Techniques

Presenters: Michel DE VIVO (Secrétaire Général / Secretary General) (Presenter, PARIS, France), Michael ROGERS (ICOLD President) (Presenter, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)
EUTHYMÈNES (Palais des Arts)